Thursday, December 6, 2012

Great hearts behind Operation Hope.

One of the most greatest thing being a human being is understanding hearts, appreciating and counting on our blessings and returning the thanks in some other form. I have always thought how the world is still surviving in the midst of  evil doings. Evil, no I'm not speaking about the departed souls but the living evil doers. Perhaps, the existence of good people is still balancing out the bad. Do you guys follow the Operation Hope ?? There's something I really want to share.

Operation HOPE is the private banker for the working poor, the underclass and the struggling middle class.HOPE is America's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to financial literacy and economic empowerment.

I'm going to share the story about a boy called Okkhoy.This is the story of a boy who not only survived, but is now the key witness in a trial that has forced Bangladesh to confront the cruel but overlooked practice of forced begging.It is also the story of strangers, half a world away, who set out to show the boy that good exists in equal measure as evil -- and who set off a chain reaction of kindness to make him whole again.

Mutilated by gang who set out  to maim him so he'd earn more as a beggar. The story of  this 7 year old boy is too common in Bangladesh and India.

Four men had surrounded the 7-year-old boy, bound his hands and feet and cracked open his head with a brick. They held him down and took a switchblade to his throat. They sliced his chest and belly in an upside down cross and in a final brutal act, they hacked him sideways, chopping off his penis and his right testicle.

I had tears watching this boy talking in CNN's Operation Hope. It's a sad fact that no amount of humanitarian aid will prevent this type of  crime from happening. It will take an extended and massive "police action" by military forces. Eradicate hunger campaigns and the like, are all warm and fuzzy but have proven to be very inefficient and ineffective. All we can do is pray for victims like this boy faraway and I truly wish that I could contribute something direct or indirectly for a worthy cause, drawing a smile on someone's face. I can feel their hearts. By the way, the accused (scums that cannot even be compared to animals! ) are set free on bail by the Bangladeshi judicial system.
In midst of this absolute horror and evil from one human towards another there is the equally gripping warmth and compassion of the total opposite. Maybe all is not lost when the the actions of the heartless can be mended by those who ask for nothing in return. I believe that the world is  surviving with the help of  god in the form of  human beings. Thank you to the doctors who've treated this boy with great hearts! I smiled when this boy said he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up so that he could treat poor people like him! I pray the almighty god gives strength and speedy recovery for this little child.