Sunday, January 31, 2010


We all make excuses. But the successful ones are those who can kill the excuses like the miserable maggots they are.

I’m too tired. I don’t have the time. I don’t feel motivated. I’d rather do nothing. I don’t have the money, equipment, space. I can’t because …

We’ve all made the excuses. Here’s how to kill them.

See the positive. Excuses are usually made because we don’t feel like doing something — we’re accentuating the negative. Instead, see the fun in something, the joy in it. And maintain a positive attitude, or you’ll never beat the excuses.

Take responsibility. Excuses are ways to get out of owning up to something. If we don’t have the time, money, equipment, etc., then it’s not our fault, right? Wrong. Take responsibility, and own the solution.

Find a solution. Just about every problem has a solution. Don’t have time? Start with just 5-10 minutes. Make the time. Wake earlier. Do it during lunch. Don’t have a gym membership? Workout at home or in the office. Don’t have the energy? Do it when you have higher levels of energy. You’re smart. Figure out the solution.

See your goal. This is your motivation — your reason for doing it. Sure, you could just lay on the couch, but if you think about why you really want to pursue a goal, you’ll be motivated. Visualize that goal and just get started.

Be accountable. Have a workout partner, a project partner, a team, someone to report to. If you have to meet a coach or partner, you’re more likely to do something.

Go ahead and make your excuses. Then do it anyway.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Surprises !

For the real ever first time , received a surprise gift  from my Tarzan ! Cant believe we've spent  years as husband and wife ! Love u cuppy cake ! You surprised me today !!! More , more please ! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

HAPPY 2010

A decade passed by just in a blink of an eye ! I so miss the times spent at college. Oh..........those millenium party we were at La Bodegas and Alexxis , Bangsar 10 years ago seems to be so fresh as ever in my memories !! Too many things have changed in the past 10 years , I say GROWING PAINS :))) 

It's gonna be a different new year for us. Srini and I decided to spend our brand new 2010 in LA. The lovely night wishes started on , then we spent our beautiful morning at Concord Murugan Temple. We got delayed but it was such a happy day to start with lots of blessings from good ones !

We had great Indian lunch and started driving to LA. Yay.........our team of gundu gundas reached the LA Lemon Tree ( awesome place ! ) and we ended up sleeping like babies ( so tiring !! ).  The next morning..... I'm a baby again :D 

It's Disney babeh !! It was such a beautiful day , lotsa lotsa lotttsa fun ! Though..........I was kinda upset that he did not take me to California Adventure ! Well....I;m not going to waste my next chance ! We walked for 12 hours and the late night laser show was such a magical experience. This day is mixed in my breath , I will always remember as one of our best days together as a family.

Then I drove to the land of ....................Grand Canyon - Phoenix , Arizona. Oh my my........must I speak the fun I had......, thanks to Srini for making us wait for almost 3 hours , due to missing hotel reservation !! I so loved the Avondale city.....and of course the so Malaysian-Thai - Pei Wei Restaurant. Great food. Next day , drove back to the lovely Bay Area !!

New Year resolution ? Haha.........that never worked with me. Let me begin this year with more of good thoughts , hope and better health for everyone around us. Happy New Year and have fun ! xoxo