Sunday, May 10, 2009

Healthy habits = Happiness !

"Whatever you dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” - Goethe

Recently I have been emotionally shaken after the death of my grandma. It was just so difficult to come out of the mode and I realized it's impacting my daily life. I then thought life couldn't take it anymore ! I learnt a big lesson that visiting chat rooms aren't the right option ! I told myself that something has to be done to come out of  such a feeling of pain ! A loss is always a loss, we cannot replace it , I did not see my grandma for the last , final time on earth before she's buried accordingly our hindu ritual way , but I believe that she've sensed my feelings. I am keeping myself happy for the sake of my loved ones and myself ! Hence, I thought there would be so many people like me , impacted by events of life , or could even be in worser situation. Therefore , for those out there , just remember , love lives !

We live in interesting times. We’re blessed that way.The world is changing rapidly.The way we work is changing, the way we live has already changed. Entire industries are crumbling, and more are growing on their ruins. People are empowered to express themselves, to create, to become a part of a global conversation and transformation, in a way that has never existed before.

What will you do with that?

What will your place be in this new, interesting world? Will you have a voice? Will you be a creator, or just a consumer?

Do something.

Do something interesting.

Be a part of the conversation, and say something remarkable. Create something unique, new, beautiful. Build upon the works of others and transform it into your own.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Just thinking..................

Just like parents usually want to monitor the television programming their children watch, we must be equally vigilant about our own mental programming. Our thoughts have the capacity to manifest destiny.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they come character.

Watch your character, it becomes destiny.

Our thoughts are the pathway to contentment or disappointment.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gauthama Buddha

Dharma transmission :
"there are causes for all human suffering, and there is a way by which they may be ended, because everything in the world is the result of a vast concurrence of causes and conditions, and everything disappears as these causes and conditions change and pass away. rain falls, winds blow, plants bloom, leaves mature and are blown away. these phenomena are all interrelated with causes and conditions, and are brought about by them, and disappear as the causes and conditions change."
( pic of Buddhist Maha Vihara Temple in Brickfields , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia.)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Masked "Friends"

I believe many of us have certain things in life which we feel we could wind back the time and return back to the past to change many things ( things would have been different now ! ). Sometimes I feel that I should have been more careful in mixing and choosing my friends. However , we all learn a lesson at some point of our life.

The so called friends usually have a motive behind their conversations... could be anything , only if we can read their mind :) Back in high school , girls were so choosy... some just want to befriend the rich , the intelligent and the beautiful ones.... ridiculous ! It was always a judgement through appearance !

You’re too fat or too skinny; your breasts are too big or too small ,  you are dark or fair skinned, you would be cute if…......... bottom line no matter what you do ! It's been almost a decade I've lost in touch with all high school mates.... we are now back in touch.... I've been getting friend request and message one after one through Facebook.........thanks to FB ! It's a kind of mixed feeling , some girls just add you to know what you are doing now!

There is no ending to some , who always love to pick on others based on appearance or possession. Beautiful women come in different colours , shapes and sizes , this is the truth.

In the walks of my life , having travelled across the globe from Asia to Europe and the Americas , I have met many types of  people. Fortunate enough to meet good ones , some people who never fail to amaze me....